Monday, October 23, 2006

My poor Daddy

We were going out for a curry Saturday night. Mum was baby sitting JJ. G, K, Taf, Dad and I were going out. We went to the pub for 1 drink and then started to walk to the restaurant. We were walking along a poorly lit road when my Dad tripped. It looked like he was going to be able to save himself, but then he got his foot caught on the kerb and went down really hard. He hit his face on the kerb and landed on his elbow. We helped him up and he insisted we should carry on. Luckily my bruvver is a super cool first aider. We got Dad under a street light and his face was a bit of a mess. He then admitted he couldn't move his left arm. So Taf and G took him off to casualty whilst K and I went back to tell Ma. Poor Dad, he's broken his left elbow. They've put it in a half cast and he has to go back next week for a full one. In the meantime, he can't do much as he's a left hander.
It was horrible watching him fall. It seemed like slow motion, but we couldn't get to him in time.
My baby bro was well impressive. He should have been a medic.
p.s. JJ is now walking and melting the hearts of anyone who sees her.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I'd forgotten there was so much wildlife here. Tafs and I spotted an urban fox the other day. I bet they hate the changeover from plastic bags to plastic bins.
Up at Pops house in the summer, a bat flew into our bedroom.
In Formby last week, we saw 5 RED squirrels. They were busy storing nuts up for winter. They are a lot cuter than their grey rellies. We've also seen badgers, but unfortunately only as road kill. There are a lot of birds. Pigeons are everywhere and give me the creeps (dunno why). We have heaps of magpies in our street and they make an amazing noise.
We had a plague of crane flies (daddy-long-legs) this year and poor Taf had to spend ages catching them before I'd go to bed.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Try to be positive

Although we really want to go home, we both still want to try and make a go of it in the UK. We have only given it 4 months, so it's early days yet. We're trying to be positive. So, one positive thing about Britain. It's autumn now and all the roads where I work are lined with trees. I love shuffling through the leaves and the conkers.
mmm not a bad start.