Saturday, January 27, 2007

Why I came home

I don't have much to report today, so I thought I'd post the picture that brought be back to England.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Yay, On December 20th we finally completed on the purchase of our lovely little house. Unfortunately we didn't have time to move in until this weekend.
It's a cute little place with scrumptious central heating. There are 3 bedrooms, one of which is just an oversized cupboard. We also have an enormous garage.

The main bedroom had been painted with shiny blue paint and had an awful built in wardrobe. So we dismantled the wardrobe and painted the walls magnolia (definite sign of middle age).

The window is munted so we've just got a quote to replace it - 1750 pounds. Wow!

We are still getting sorted out, but here is a picture of the lounge. The far end is an integral conservatory.

Iron Men

It's Taf's birthday on New Year's day. We went for a walk in Crosby to see Gormley's Iron Men. They were amazing. 100 iron statues gazing out to sea. Some were actually in the sea and some were half buried in the sand. It was an awesome sight.

Happy New Year

I know it's a bit late, but we've not had internet for a while, so I haven't been able to blog. Not to worry, I'm back now.

We spent New Years Eve in Formby with Taf's family. It was really brilliant. At midnight we went out into the street. There were heaps of people and a person playing bagpipes. Unfortunately we had just been playing 'ibble dibble', so we had cork marks on our faces.