I'm off to a 40th birthday party on Sunday. The hostesses are twins. They are both dainty and elegant and I know they've bought beautiful (matching) dresses for the event. Not to let the side down, I thought I'd go shopping for something stylish. I knew what I was looking for - my s-i-l had a lovely black and white tunic top and I wanted something similar. I found it after a lot of searching, only to discover that is looked a lot better on her size 12 frame than it did on my size 20. All the current fashions make me look like a barrage balloon or as if I'm 20 months pregnant. Most of them are in patterns that I'd have been ashamed to wear back in the 60s when they were first fashionable. Even M&S have let me down. They've gone all trendy. When Twiggy is one of their models, you can be fairly sure that the clothes won't look good on the fuller figure.
So I'm going to wear the good old fashioned top I bought in Farmers last year and a pair of Millers trouser. Yay, go me!