Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Little boxes

Everywhere you look in Britain, they are building flats. They are an environmental & health nightmare. We have a garden flat, but the body corporate rules prevent you from hanging washing out. So you either tumble dry it (waste of power), or leave it hanging around the flat (water, water everywhere). Also none of the bathrooms have windows and extractor fans still aren't that good. We will be breeding a nation of asthmatics. I can't see where it will all end.
A few comments on our flat. There is one small storage cupboard. There are no towel rails or toilet roll holders. There are 4 small kitchen cupboards. For some reason, there are 2 bathrooms. I'd swap one for a storage cupboard. The lounge, kitchen dining room are all one room. Lovely sitting listening to the washing machine whilst you eat your dinner or watch TV. I can live with it for a short while, but I pity families who live like this permanently.


Violet said...

Sounds like our set-up (listening to the laundry while we eat in front of the telly), but I would love to have two toilets. Doesn't sound anything like the mansion you had back in NZ.

Kazzer said...

Don't remind me.