Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Tafs and I went to Bath on Sunday. It is a beautiful city. You half expect to see ladies in long dresses and men in top hats strolling around. They have put up very elegant Christmas decorations in the street. Even the normal chainstores look olde worlde. On top of all that, the autumn colours are spectacular. One building was covered in bright red ivy. (of course I didn't take my camera). We had a lovely wander round. Almost made us glad to be back.

By the way, my Pa had to have 4 screws put into his elbow. He has the world's largest plaster cast at the moment. Still he seems to cope (under the watchful eye of my mother).


Violet said...

I went to Bath in the middle of Winter, and I still thought it was a cool place.

Kazzer said...

It would have been bloody cool in the middle of winter!!