Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Taf and I met up with our Friends SB and Dickie for a long weekend at Centerparcs. It was as if the years since we've seen each other just melted away. Mind you, none of us are as active as we used to be. The first day we only managed to paint some pottery and have a swim. They have a brilliant pool with rapids. You get thrown around a bit, but it's a great laugh.
We also manged archery and badminton - quite enough for 3 days. The accommodation was great - set in woodland. We saw bunnies, dear and robins. Smashing.
By the way, I'm the craftiest of the 4 of us and my pottery was the worst!

1 comment:

Violet said...

Did you paint the reindeer on that platter? 'Cos it's pretty damned cool.