Tuesday, April 24, 2007

St. Georges Day

Now that I've rediscovered my Englishness, I thought it would be nice to celebrate St. Georges Day (April 23rd). So I bought a load of English cakes - Chelsea Buns, Yorkshire Tea Loaf and scones with jam & cream - to share with my colleagues. Didn't go down all that well. People ate them eventually, but no-one seemed bothered. Oh well, I like to celebrate being English.
To commemorate my other nationality, I have baked Anzac cookies for tomorrow. If no-one wants them, I'll eat them myself!


Violet said...

Yum, I like chelsea buns. I also like ANZAC biscuits, which I think should go down much better with your workmates, because they're exotic.

gerbera said...

people are strange sometimes... scomes with jam and cream yum! i made some lemonade and cream scones the other week. so easy and quick and they are v. yummy scones. mega fattening too I am sure. MrH said we should go to the dawn service. I said sure if the bub wakes at the right time. He did, he woke about 4.30am for a feed. But when I said "if you want us to go, now's the time to get up" he seemed highly unimpressed and ignored me. he he :) i would like to go but I did think it would be too cold for the wee guy. i think dawn should be a bit later too...