I haven't really has any serious ones. However, now I'm craving ice cubes. Apparently it's quite common. it even has it's own name - pagophagia. It's not just pregnant women either - there's whole websites out there devoted to the subject! Glad I'm normal.
yeah normal like warm beer !!!!!
I must be pregnant!
I find that I'm craving ice cubes too! I'm trying to wean myself off them though by "watering" them down with brandy.
Slow work, but I'm going to hang in there...
You have to be careful - I sometimes freeze leftover stock to use later so imagine if you grabbed one of those by mistake - euugggh! Would add a new meaning to "my waters have broken" don'tcha think?
Cheers Al (warm beer IS normal here).
MM a pregnant Brian - would be worth seeing. Do you have piles too?
Desiree, what are leftovers?
lets hope he doesn't get roid rage too!!
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