Monday, December 17, 2007

Things I never really appreciated

The meaning of the word 'engorged'.
Taf and I have wonderful parents.
Parenthood means you can go from euphoric to terrified in 1 small hour.
My husband is the best.
Nothing is more beautiful than your own child.


Anonymous said...

congrats to you both !! Diane says to remember the Cabbage leaves

Violet said...

yep, it's true about the cabbage leaves but you have to be careful not to overdo 'em or you'll dry up.

the other solution is to feed the little sprite more often.

Kazzer said...

Violet, I couldn't possibly feed more often. I'm doing it on demand. Not too sure I need the cabbage leaves - seem to be doing OK.
Al, how did you acquire another kid?

Anonymous said...

garage sale at CYF's !!

Have a merry xmas I'll sniff the lindauer cork for you tomorrow !!