Are currently the bugbear of my life. Little Taf has really sharp nails. He loves to try and scratch his eyes out or shred his face. I also get the brunt of it when I'm feeding him. Especially if he pinches the part that feeds!
I've tried baby nail clippers. This ended up with Lil Tafs first cut which bled profusely and almost made Mummy throw up. I've tried biting the nails, but my teeth are too crooked to bite something that small. Scratch mitts are a waste of time. I have even resorted to emery boards, but this just makes them sharper. Does anyone have any bright ideas?
On the cute side, lil Taf is now sucking his thumb. Not so cutie cutie is his tendency to hold on to poos for 3 days.
Oh yes I know what you mean! Cutting TLM's nails was the cause of her first and only trip to the A & E. Some people say to cut them which the baby is asleep. I persisted with the emery board, but it was uusually a 2-person job; one to keep those hands from flailing about, the other to file the little buggers down to smoothness (it just takes time).
Finally, at nearly 2 1/2, TLM lets me trim maybe 4 fingernails before she takes her hands away.
Well, I was going to suggest emery board, but from what Violet says that might be difficult.
The few times I've cut the grandkids nails when they were little it was a matter of mum holding while I did the cutting, so again a 2-person job. Sorry, not very helpful...
Oops, didn't sign off properly...
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