Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Big Boy

We have just had Lil Taf's 9 month check (I know he is nearly a year, but that's the NHS for you). He is 12kg and 79cm. 98th percentile for his age. That's Mummy's boy. He is desperate to start walking. He can get around as long as he can hold on. He will walk along nicely holding my hand although it's slow going. Taf says we look like Pooh and Piglet.
I have finished my maternity leave and am now a sahm - yippeeeee!
Tonight we have finally moved Lil Taf into his own room. Aaaah.


Violet said...

Is he big or what? Obviously he's going to grow up to be very tall.

Anonymous said...

sounds like he'll be a big lad - big enough perhaps to be an All Black one day.
A good career choice some might say...