It's great having a blog. Especially now that I'm so far away from so many friends. I've just gone back through old entries and realised that a few people have left comments since I last looked. So hello, Desiree, Tigger and Paul-e-Paul. Lovely to hear from you all.
Just to put the record straight, Taf and I didn't plan to have children, but Mother Nature had other ideas. She's a smart cookie, as now it is happening, we're very pleased. I'm at the 5 month stage now and getting very nicely rounded. Baby Taf kicked Daddy the other day and he was thrilled.
Oh, and we've definitely dropped Zinzan as a name.
No fruit names either. And "4real" has already been taken, apparently.
how bout "Buck", can't get much better than that, or "Chip"
You could try Kiwi - If anyone asks it means Kazzers-incy-wincy-infant...[arf, arf!]
Brian has an aristocratic ring to it...
I really don't think we need to discuss Brians "ring", we're after names for Kazza's little poptart aren't we ??
You can call your child 4real in the UK. Although I don't know why you'd want to!
What's wrong with POMegranate?
Brian, there is no way I'm naming my baby after a snail.
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