Saturday, August 18, 2007

Blog world

It's great having a blog. Especially now that I'm so far away from so many friends. I've just gone back through old entries and realised that a few people have left comments since I last looked. So hello, Desiree, Tigger and Paul-e-Paul. Lovely to hear from you all.
Just to put the record straight, Taf and I didn't plan to have children, but Mother Nature had other ideas. She's a smart cookie, as now it is happening, we're very pleased. I'm at the 5 month stage now and getting very nicely rounded. Baby Taf kicked Daddy the other day and he was thrilled.
Oh, and we've definitely dropped Zinzan as a name.


Violet said...

No fruit names either. And "4real" has already been taken, apparently.

Anonymous said...

how bout "Buck", can't get much better than that, or "Chip"

Anonymous said...

You could try Kiwi - If anyone asks it means Kazzers-incy-wincy-infant...[arf, arf!]

brianbnz said...

Brian has an aristocratic ring to it...

Anonymous said...

I really don't think we need to discuss Brians "ring", we're after names for Kazza's little poptart aren't we ??

Kazzer said...

You can call your child 4real in the UK. Although I don't know why you'd want to!
What's wrong with POMegranate?
Brian, there is no way I'm naming my baby after a snail.